About DeanBlogs

About Deanblogs


Dean Blogs is a website for anybody and everybody, with tips, advice and inspiration, for improving your finance, family life, relationships and day to day survival, of this crazy world we live in.

The readers of this blog are men and women, balancing finances, parenting, careers and relationships. Let’s face it, in this post covid world we live in, the more information to help us improve our lives, the better they will become.

After reading the blogs, you will realise you are not alone and that all those things happening in your life, are just the same for all of us.

About me

I’m Dean, I created this blog as a hobby and am amazed how I have started impacting people’s lives.

My days are spent working a full-time job in Fintech, looking after the blog and trying to keep the family happy.

The juicy parts, I’ve been married twice and have spent a lot of time building relationships with step children and find this to be where i help people the most. Each blended family has to learn there own dynamic and step parents have to find where they fit within that. Click here for my family blog.

When I’m not working on the blog, I enjoy travel, sports and helping the community, as the trustee of a charity.

Before you start exploring the site, follow my social media channels below and don’t forget to comment on my posts.

Bye for now,